Student financing by means of a student loan or an educational loan
If you are not (or are no longer) eligible for BAföG, a student loan or an educational loan can offer another means of financing your studies. One possibility is the student and educational loans from KfW Förderbank:
KfW loans for students and professionalsIn contrast to interest-free BAföG, interest is always due on a student loan. The decision to take out a loan should therefore never be made hastily. In any case, seek advice in advance on all the options for financing your studies.
More information on loans
More information on student loans:
Our staff on site
Office hours and contact information
Our staff members are happy to help you at our offices and by email or telephone.
What to do in an emergency?
If you find yourself in temporary financial distress not brought on by your own fault during your studies, our Social Counseling Service can help!