Short-term care Campusnest

Opening hours of Campusnest

Campusnest will open its doors for childcare for the 2024/25 winter semester beginning September 23, 2024.

General opening hours: Monday - Friday 09:05am - 2:45pm
Opening hours are tied to need (Earlier closing times are possible)


Hochschulstraße 50/0105A, 01069 Dresden
Phone: +49 351 4519193 (during opening hours)

Consultation hours for registration:

Date Time
Tuesday, 10.09.20249:00 am – 11:00 am
Thursday, 12.09.202412:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Tuesday, 17.09.20249:00 am – 11:00 am
Thursday, 19.09.202412:00 pm – 2:00 pm

For the registration, you need:

  • 2x the filled out contract
  • Certificate of matriculation
  • Booking form
  • Proof of measles vaccination (according to STIKO recommendation)

All forms are available at the Campusnest or on our website.

1. Contract

Before your child can be cared for, a contract has to be made. Please fill out the contract (twice) and hand in one form at the Campusnest either in person or send it via mail or e-mail. You can find the contract as download and as paper version at the Campusnest.

Contract Campusnest as PDF General Terms of Service as PDF

2. Costs

Costs Fixed booking Flexible booking
Students 4,00 € per block 6,00 € per block
Employees 8,00 € per block 10,00 € per block

3. Acclimatization time (flexible booking only)

The first two weeks are for the acclimatization of the children. Those two weeks give the children, the parents and the day-care workers the possibility to get to know each other and get used to the change from being at home to attending day-care. During this time, only flexible bookings are possible.

You can use the following form to book:

Bookingform for Campusnest as PDF

4. Fixed booking for permanent day-care need

You decide on 1 to 7 care blocks per week (2 blocks a day maximum) during which your child will attend the Campusnest regularly during the semester and you can ask us in person, via email or via phone (+49 351 4519193) if those times are available. If needed, we can look for different times together.

For fixed bookings, the payment in one sum for the whole semester takes place via automatic bank collection. You will receive a proof of payment.

You can use the following form for the booking:

Bookingform for Campusnest as PDF

5. Flexible booking for short-term child-care

If you want to flexible book one or more blocks, please use this online form.

Online booking for the Campusnest

If you have questions, please contact one of the employees of the Campusnest via one of the aforementioned contact possibilities.

When you get the confirmation, please pay the fee right before the start of the day-care at the register in the international guest house. A later payment (no exceptions either) is not possible. Please pay attention: the register is only open until 3.30 pm. If the child-care starts later in the day, you have to have the fee paid beforehand. The receipt of payment is proof of payment and the contract can be filled out at the day-care right before the beginning (if it wasn’t done beforehand).

If you have flexible blocks, please be there 20 minutes before it starts, so that payment and if necessary signing the contract can be done. Because of insurance, care of children can only be done afterwards.

6. Card for the child

Because of the many new children and their needs when it comes to meals and sleeping habits, parents have to bring a card (DIN A5 format) to the first block. It needs to have the following information:

  • Page 1: a picture of the child, name and date of birth
  • Page 2 with the following information:
  • Food: What? When?
  • Sleep: Where/how? Pacifier? Stuffed animal?
  • Stroller: Color? Brand?
  • Favorite past-time:
  • Emergency numbers: